
neagu stefan
Dental radiographs (X-rays) are very important elements in determining various diagnoses and elaborating treatment plans. These show more details than the eye can see such as: dental cavities, identification of some anomalies or fissures, identification of teeth in progress of erupting or non-erupted ones, infections and oral inflammations, visualization of radicular morphology as well as...
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The dental prosthesis ensures the restoration of the dental integrity affected by lesions or degradation, using mobile or fixed prostheses, dental crowns, dental veneers, inlays and other complex procedures and works on implants. The purpose of dental prostheses is to restore the morphofunctional and aesthetic balance through prostheses from different materials: integral ceramic prostheses, zirconia...
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Dental prophylaxis consists of a set of simple and fast procedures aimed at preventing and detecting incipient dental problems. Prophylaxis procedures: Oral hygiene – a correct oral hygiene involves regular brushing (min. twice a day), the use of dental floss and mouthwash Teeth scaling – the process of tartar and plaque removal using manual instruments...
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Periodontology is the field focusing on preventing, diagnosing and treating diseases that affect the gum, the bone and alveolodental ligament. The accumulation of dental plaque determined by inadequate oral hygiene and patient’s habits are the main causes that lead to periodontal disease: The most common periodontal surgical procedures are: gingivectomy subgingival curettage gingivoplasty bone grafting...
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Orthodontics is a field focusing on solving aesthetical and functional deficiencies of dental arcades through teeth alignment and correction of jaw bones gaps. The most frequent dental anomalies that braces treat are: Crowded teeth or interdental spaces Teeth shifted from their normal alignment Malocclusions Orthodontic appliances can be fixed or mobile and choosing the appropriate...
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Odontology is the treatment of tooth decay. The earlier a potential cavity is discovered, the higher the chances for the tooth to be restored similar to its initial shape. Cavities destroy the hard tissues of the tooth and represent, through their complications, the most frequent cause of tooth loss. This affection is the most frequently...
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Dental implants represent the most modern and efficient solution for tooth loss replacement, being surgically placed in the maxillary bone. The dental implant is a piece of titanium, which serves as a substitute for the root of a natural tooth. Generally, any person who has one or more teeth missing can benefit from dental implant...
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Dental aesthetics – a pallet of treatments and specific methods for the harmonious creation of a healthy and beautiful smile Advanced technologies allow patients to access a variety of treatments and solutions for their respective problems: tooth discoloration, teeth with unaesthetic cavities, crowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, missing teeth. The most frequently utilized procedures in...
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Endodontics represents the dental specialty concerned with the treatment of dental pulp affections and the apical periodontitis. The endodontic therapy encompasses the pulp and tooth root treatment, having as a purpose the recovery of the affected teeth and maintaining them on the arcade.  The damage of the dental pulp appears with the progression of untreated...
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Dental surgery (dentoalveolar) can solve complicated cases through procedures which include extensive dental treatments, the most frequent being: wisdom teeth removal, apical resection, bone augmentation, dental implant, sinus lift etc. Wisdom teeth removal – the wisdom tooth or third molar is the last permanent tooth of the dental arcade. If the position of the molar...
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Despre noi

Cabinetul stomatologic Dr. Butas funcționează de peste 25 de ani, numărându-se printre primele cabinete stomatologice private din România. Dr. Butas Cornel are o experiență de peste 30 de ani in domeniu, absolvind Universitatea de Medicina și Farmacie ”Victor Babeș” – Facultatea de Stomatologie.

About us

The dental practice of Dr. Butaș has a history of over 25 years, being one of the first private dental practices in Romania. Dr. Cornel Butaț has over 30 years of experience in the field, having graduated from the “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy – Dentistry Faculty in Timișoara.

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